April 27, 2007
All conference panels too be held in the Max Kade Center,
3401 Walnut St., Rm. 329A
(34th and Walnut St., above the Starbucks)
9:45-10:00 Opening remarks
10:00-12:00 Panel I: Medieval
Donald Ostrowski, Harvard University, “The ‘Unclean People’ of the Revelations of Pseudo-Methodios of Patara in the Povest’ vremennykh let”
Julia Verkholantsev, University of Pennsylvania, “Myths about Myths: the Makeover of the Slavic Sibylline Prophecies”
Michael Pesenson, Swarthmore College, “Changing Perceptions of the Antichrist in Russian Literature and Culture from the Middle Ages to the Silver Age”
Discussant: Emily Steiner, University of Pennsylvania
1:00-3:00 Panel II: Nineteenth Century
Ilya Vinitsky, University of Pennsylvania. “Russian Glubbdubdrib: Dimitry’s Shade and the Historical Imagination in the Age of Realism”
Katerina Clark, Yale University, “The Cult of Byron in 1930s Russia”
Galin Tihanov, Lancaster University, “Organicity: towards the history of a discourse”
Discussant: Warren Breckman, University of Pennsylvania
3:15-5:15 Panel III: Twentieth Century
Mark Steinberg, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
“Wandering in Shattered Time: The Mythic Melancholy of Lost Pasts,Ruined Presents, and Catastrophic Futures”
David Brandenberger, Richmond University, "The Great Retreat: Stalin’s Cooption of Russian Historical Myths in the Eyes of the Left Intelligentsia.”
Caryl Emerson, Princeton University, "Princeton’s Boris Godunov (April 2007): Russian myths meet American realities—and resources”
Discussant: Peter Steiner, University of Pennsylvania
5:30-7:30 Dinner Reception, Fisher-Bennett Hall, Room 135