Slavic Bazaar

Friday, April 11, 2025 - 10:00am


The Slavic Bazaar, the annual undergraduate research conference of the Department of Russian and East European Studies, will be held on April 11, 2025.

Students are invited to present a 10-15-minute paper on any aspect of Russian or Eastern, Central, or Southern European society, history, literature, language, politics, and culture at the annual undergraduate research conference. This year, we are also introducing a creative section for works written for Russian literature classes.

We look forward to hearing about your exciting projects! Students interested in presenting their research or creative writing should submit an abstract of their paper, endorsed by the faculty member under whose guidance the paper has been written. Please ask your professor to confirm that the paper is ready to be submitted. If you’d like to submit independent research or writing, please note it in your abstract.


The best academic paper is awarded the Penn REES Department Essay Prize.

Please send abstracts and questions to Dr. Djamilia Nazyrova at or

First deadline: March 10, 2025. The abstracts submitted by this deadline will be reviewed and returned to authors with comments if they require revisions. Authors may resubmit improved versions by the second deadline.

Second deadline: March 25, 2025 (final).

The length of an abstract should be around 200 words, and must not significantly exceed 300 words. You can find abstract guidelines for all papers here: BazaarGuidelines(1).docx.


For creative papers: the abstract needs to include a brief synopsis of the story and/or its theme(s). If your work is inspired by a specific literary piece or pieces, please mention your inspirations and method of working (e.g., developing a theme, using a plot structure or motif, basing your character on a literary prototype, writing a parody, etc.)
