Program Manager/Adjunct Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Education
Aplenc received her Ph.D. in Folklore and Folklife from the University of Pennsylvania in 2006.
She teaches the Socialist City in the Russia and East European Studies Department, as well as museum education and research methods in the Graduate School of Education. She has authored articles on the history of the built environment, vernacular architecture, and folk arts in socialist Yugoslavia.
Office Location
Research Interests
Her teaching and research interests include architectural history, the socialist city, vernacular architecture, and historic preservation.
Selected Publications
“Vernacular Architecture (Un)Defined for Socialism: Slovenian Dislocation from the Temporally Defined Past,” in European Architectural History Network Conference Proceedings, forthcoming.
"Held in Suspension: Competing Discourses on Urban Modernity in 1960s Slovenia, Yugoslavia.” In, Patrick Haughey, ed. Across Space and Time: Architecture and Politics of Modernity. New Brunswick, N.J. : Transaction Publishers, 2017.
Review of Jennifer Cash, Villages on Stage: Folklore and Nationalism in the Republic of Moldova (Munich: LIT Verlag Münster, 2011), in Journal of American Folklore 128, no. 508 (Spring 2015): 228-230.
"Slovenian Industrial Design and Folk Crafts under Yugoslav State Socialism: (Non)-Intersections of the Yugoslav Socialist Modern and the Slovenian Traditional. Centropa 14, no. 3 (2014): 260-272.
Review of Bogomil Ferfila with Paul Phillips, Slovenia's Transition: From the Medieval Roots to the European Union (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2010), in Austrian History Yearbook 43 (2012): 193-194.
"Ethnological Knowledges and their Political Contexts." Invited Response Article. Journal of Folklore Research 47, nos. 1/2 (2010): 153-160.
“Notes from the Field: Contemporary Folkways in Slovenia: Personal Practices of Commemoration at Cemeteries, Public Monuments, and Unmarked Mass Graves.” Folklorica 15 (2010): 155-160.
"To Develop the Morally Acceptable: A Slovenian Urban Landscape Under Yugoslav Socialism." Traditiones: Zbornik inštituta za slovensko narodopisje 34, no. 2 (2005): 7-22.
"The Architecture Of Vernacular Subjectivities: North American And Slovenian Perspectives." Journal of Folklore Research 42, no. 1 (2004): 1-32.
"Authentically Socialist: Czech Heritage Management at the Former Liechtenstein Estate of Lednice-Valtice." Focaal: European Journal of Anthropology 44 (2004): 61-71.