Senior Lecturer in Foreign Languages
Ph.D., Ohio State University, Slavic Linguistics (with concentration in Second Language Acquisition)
M.A., Ohio State University, Slavic Linguistics
B.A., Komi State Pedadogigal Institute, Syktyvkar, Russia, Foreign Language Pedagogy
Dr. Alley teaches Russian language and culture courses at all levels, as well as graduate reading and teaching methodology seminars and supervises the work of Russian language instructors and teaching assistants.
Office Location
Office Hours
Research Interests
Dr. Alley's research interests include language pedagogy, curriculum development, language-learning technology, and inclusive and equitable pedagogies. She is a certified AAPPL (ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency) tester in Russian and the winner of 2023 Dean's Award for Distinguished Teaching by Affiliated Faculty in SAS.
Selected Publications
- Russian language textbook Animation for Russian Conversation with Jason Merrill and Julia Mikhailova (Focus Publishing, 2008).
- "Contextualizing Language Learning Using TAGs" with Molly Peeney, The FLTMAG, IALLT’s free language technology magazine, 2019, fltmag.com/contextualizing-language-learning-using-tags/.
- "Addressing Diversity: An Example," the American Council of Teachers of Russian Newsletter, Winter and Spring 2023, Vol. 49, No.2, No. 3, https://www.actr.org/actr-newsletter.html.
Courses Taught
Fall 2024 Courses
RUSS 0100 / RUSS5100: Russian I
RUSS 1100: Russian Society Today
REES 2630: Soviet Childhood