Professor Emeritus of Ukrainian Language and Literature
Dr. Rudnytzky is Adjunct Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures, born in Lviv, Ukraine. He has received his doctoral degree from the Ukrainian Free University in Munich. He is a Professor Emeritus at LaSalle College. Since 1956 Dr. Rudnytzky resides in the Unites States.
Selected Publications
Confessions of Love: The Ambiguities of Greek Eros and Latin Caritas, Peter Lang Publishing, 2011
Edited two double issues of The Ukrainian Quarterly.
Published fragments of his memoirs of Cardinal Josyf Slipyj in St. Sophia Bulletin (No. 18, 2009), pp. 3 – 10, and a brief article related to this topic, “Reflections on First Looking at Jurij Hura’s Paintings of Josyf Cardinal Slipyj,” pp. 65-67.
A review article on Shevchenko Scientific Society, USA , Activities & Press Reports 2000-2008, compiled and edited by Orest Popovych, Shevchenko Scientific Society, New York, 2000. 640 pp.
Completed work as consultant on the translation project of J.R.R. Tolkien’s works in Ukrainian.
The latest to appear in print is Tales from the Perilous Realm, published in Ukrainian with the permission of Harper/Collins by “Astrolabia” Publishers, Lviv, Ukraine, 2009, 399 pp.
Wrote a major article on the Austrian poet-dramatist Franz Grillparzer which will be published in a Festschrift for a Polish scholar, Jaroslaw Hryckowian, in Cracow.
Together with two CEES students, Alex Nalencz and Oksana Chubok, transcribed and edited a video tape of a talk given at La Salle on February 19, 1990, by Ukraine’s premier poetess Lina Kostenko. The Ukrainian text was published in the Ukrainian-American weekly Svoboda (March 19, 2010); the English translation will appear in print shortly.
The Ukrainian Catholic Church: 1945-1975, A Symposium , St. Sophia Religious Association of Ukrainian Catholics, Philadelphia, 1976, 162 pp. (Co-editor).
“Ukrainian Literature” in: Modern Slavic Literatures, Vol. II, pages 448-532, Frederick Ungar Publishing Company, New York, 1976.
Dictionary of Ukrainian Synonyms by A. Bahmet, Shevchenko Scientific Society, New York, 1982, Vol. I, 465 pp. (Co-editor).
Literary Currents after World War II., Shevchenko Scientific Society, New York--Philadelphia 1982, Vol. 195 (Co-editor).
“Russian, Czech, Hungarian, and Polish Dramatists”, in: Major Modern Dramatists, Frederick Ungar Publishing Company, New York, 1986, vol. II, 370-558 pp.
The Cathedral. A Novel by Oles’ Honchar, Translated, edited, and with an Introduction by L. Rudnytzky. St. Sophia, Philadelphia., 1989, 308 pp.
Jubilaeumssammelwerk der Beitraege des Wissenschaftlichen Kongresses zum Millennium des Christentums in der Ukraine, Ukrainian Free University, Munich, 1989, 1002 pp. (Co-editor).
Mykhailo Hrushevs’kyi, Shevchenko Scientific Society, Lviv, 1994, 487 pp. (Co-editor).
A Collection of Essays in Memory of Hryhor Luzhnyts’kyi, Shevchenko Scientific Society, Lviv, 1996, 357 pp. (Co-editor).
Faith and Hope: The Kyivan Church in Union with Rome, 1596-1996, St Sophia Association, Philadelphia, 1997, 144 pp. (An Album published in three separate editions: Ukrainian, English and Polish.)
The Heart as a Living Source. An Anthology of Poetry Dedicated to Patriarch Joseph Slipyj, “Nova Zoria,” Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 2000, 174 pp. (in Ukrainian, Editor).
Ivan Franko and German Literature Ukrainisches Technisch-Wirtschaftliches Institut, 1974, Munich, 225 pages, (Ukrainian text with German summary). A revised and supplemented second edition was published by the Shevchenko Scientific Society, Lviv, Ukraine, 2002. 238 pp.
German Romantic Thinkers: An Anthology, “Lileya,” Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 2003, 580 pp. ( in Ukrainian, Co-editor).
Ivan Kotljarevs’kyj. Aeneida (A Translation of the Ukrainian Classic into German), Ludwig-Maximilian University and Ukrainian Free University, Munich, 2003, 242 pp. (Co-editor).
“Caroline Newton und George W. Hallgarten: Erinnerungen an Thomas Mann zwischen Bayern und Amerika“ in Thomas Mann in Muenchen II, Dirk Heisserer, ed., peniope, Munich, 2004, 107-164 pp.
"Statt einer Vorrede: Vasyl Barka – Dichter, Mystiker, Visionär” in: Vasyl Barka. Der gelbe Fürst, Verlag “Jaroslawiw Wal”, Kyiv, 2009, pp. 12 – 16.
Author of numerous articles on German-Ukrainian literary relations, on the Ukrainian writer Ivan Franko (1856-1916), and on twentieth century Ukrainian church history.
Since 2007 editor of The Ukrainian Quarterly.